“Embark on a culinary journey with our 15-Minute Skillet Fried Chicken. In just moments, experience the perfect fusion of quick preparation and irresistible, crispy golden goodness. Elevate your meal effortlessly.”
So, I kind of spaced.
On the whole Super Bowl happening this Sunday. Usually, I am somewhat excited because well, duh, the food. Little smokies, queso, more queso, burgers, potato skins, and of course, the anticipation of all the fun commercials.
But this year, I’m kind of “meh” about the whole situation. Probably because all of the hoopla over the deflated footballs. By the way, have you watched the funny SNL video of Coach Belichick and Tom Brady talking about balls? If you need a giggle this morning you should check it out.
Anyways, rather than talk about grown men getting paid millions of dollars to throw a pigskin around, let’s talk fried chicken. At our restaurant, Bourbon & Baker, in Manhattan, KS, our executive chef makes the best ever fried chicken this side of the Mississippi. His fried chicken making process involves two days, a bucket, soaking, and frying. It’s serious, serious.
However, even though I fully appreciate the discipline to make this superior fried chicken, my impatient self needs an easy out. Because on those mornings when you wake up and crave fried chicken at 8am and not a single restaurant is open, you resort to this 15 minute version.
I know, I know, I might get a few stink-eyes from fried chicken purists. Let me state that this is just a quick fried chicken fix. Buttermilk soaked boneless chicken thighs, dredged through flour, fried one side in a cast iron skillet, and finished in the oven. Drizzled with a mixture of Tabasco and honey….it’s finger lickin’ good.
It’s Ickey “Shuffle” Woods good.
“In conclusion, our 15-Minute Skillet Fried Chicken delivers a quick and flavorful finale to your culinary adventure. Enjoy the satisfaction of a crispy, golden delight in every bite, effortlessly achieved.”