black eyed pea pull apart pizza

“Step into a world of flavor with our black eyed pea pull apart pizza. This unique dish offers a tasty twist on traditional pizza, perfect for sharing.”

Let’s chat.

How was your Christmas?

Did Aunt Claire send you a giant bunny suit? You know some kid, some where, in the US of A is modeling said suit right now. If the world ever went apocalyptic, there would never be a shortage of pink velour bunny suits and those half-n-half creamers on restaurant tables. In fact, I am surprised we haven’t seen a zombie sporting a pink bunny suit in The Walking Dead.

We had a cozy and easy Christmas. Made delicious food, consumed way to much vino, and opened presents with the whole Griswold gang. Since we are sans kids, it’s always fun to be around our nieces and nephews during this time of year because I forget how much anticipation goes into Christmas day. Once Santa drops those presents, it’s game on. Apparently Frozen was all the rage this year.

Now that Christmas is successfully behind us, should we talk New Years? I know, I know, I am not ready either. I feel like I was just getting used to 2014. Sigh.

Instead of dreading the do’s and don’ts of the new year, let’s talk pizza. But not just any pizza. This pie will bring you luck and prosperity if eaten on New Year’s Day. Are you in? Sa-weeeet. You may know of the old Southern tradition if you eat black-eyed peas on New Years you will have a year full of luck and prosperity. Well, after this year, homegirl here could use a little something extra in 2015.

There are a zillion ways you can eat black-eyed peas and one of my favorite ways is in this Texas Caviar. But I wanted to go a little bigger. So, I decided to bust out the tried and true pull-apart pizza and add black-eyed peas to the fellow. With some ground beef, peppers, cilantro, and cheese all baked together for one giant party.

If this doesn’t bring you luck and prosperity, you have my permission to send me a pink bunny suit next year.

Conclusion: “Savor every bite of our black-eyed pea pull-apart pizza, a delicious and inventive take on a classic favorite that’s sure to please.”