foodie fridays: baked eggocado

I had a “moment,” yesterday.

You know, one of those moments when you stand in the middle of your closet staring at your clothes, thinking to yourself that you have nothing to wear. And not only do you feel that you have nothing to wear; none of the options will fit, anyway.

It’s like a red-nosed clown came into your closet and replaced all of your black cardigans, your perfectly broken in blue jeans, and vintage rock band tees with polka-dot suits. Why, clown? Why?

I shouldn’t be surprised. This feeling of fuglyiness happens every year around early April. The transition from winter to spring – in terms of clothes – is one of the hardest for me to adjust. It it much easier to kick off flip-flops and slip on a pair of cowboy boots; easier to fling off a tank top and pull on a grey, fuzzy sweater; and, also easier to slip off a breezy sundress and pull on some wool pants. But! It is not easy… no… it is darn right terrifying to shed that sweater and put back on that tank top. Can I get an Amen?

I don’t know what it is, but I feel vulnerable when the weather warms up. I tell myself I need to get rid of the paleness look and buy that fierce looking maxi dress at Uncle Nordies. For me, the transition can be overwhelming!


So, let’s talk about something that is not overwhelming. Let’s peace out the closet for a minute and head to the kitchen, shall we? Lately, I have been reading and cooking my way through a culinary chef training cookbook that I received this past Christmas. It’s full of the ins, outs, and what have you’s about how to cook professionally.  I came across this section discussing produce and it talked about baking avocados.  Not only baking avocados, but baking them with eggs! Holy culinary genius!

My foodie mind started spinning with ideas. You could top these suckers with anything your heart desires. I kept it simple with cheese and a pinch of cumin, but lemon zest or chili powder could be fun too!

Alright, back to closet.

If you don’t hear from me in 20 minutes send help, and a few of these eggocados, too.

Baked Eggocado


3 large ripe avocados
3 large eggs
Red Pepper Flakes
Chili Powder
White Cheddar Cheese
Lemon juice


Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Spray a baking sheet with non-stick cooking spray. Take avocado and cut in half and remove pit. Drizzle a little bit of lemon juice on top to keep it from turning brown. On the bottom of the skin side, slice a little off the skin so the avocado lays flat. Do this to all of the avocados. After you're done, whisk eggs in a small bowl. Spoon some of the whisked egg into the well of the avocado (it doesn't take very much so be careful not to overfill). Garnish the tops with whatever your heart desires - cumin, cheese, red pepper flakes, etc.

Place the eggocados onto the baking sheet. Bake for about 15 to 18 minutes or until the egg looks completely cooked through. Enjoy!

recipe adapted from The Four-Hour Chef Cookbook

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