oven fried guinness onion rings with stout gravy

“Experience a pub-inspired delight with our oven fried guinness onion rings with stout gravy. Crispy and flavorful, these rings, paired with stout gravy, offer a unique twist on a classic favorite, elevating your appetizer experience.”

In the pecking order of side foods that are fried, where does your loyalty lie?

Classic French fries? Maybe you swing to the sweet potato fries because if you’re like me you’ve convinced yourself that these are somewhat healthy therefore devouring a basketful wouldn’t add a single pound. No sirree. Or, maybe your loyalty lies in the great and mighty, tater tot. You know my feelings about Sir Tot.

But somewhere between a tot and a fry, lies the ol’ onion ring. Is it me, or did onion rings get a pushed out of the way when Funyons made their appearance? Folks could hardly resist the yellow and green packaging. Plus, the bonus part, these onions didn’t evoke tears.

So, today I am being a fried side food team player, and putting in the ol’ standard onion ring. And can we please talk for a moment about how I used to dread cutting onions. Mr. B actually received onion cutting goggles from my mother as a gag gift for Christmas a couple of years ago. Gag gift aside, these truckers work. I may look like a major tool shed, but it beats looking like Fiona Apple with mascara running down my face.

With my onion goggles on, I had no problem taking one for the team and whipping up these Guinness oven fried onion rings. Since St.Paddy’s Day is five minutes away, why not make a bag of Funyons jealous and add a little giggle juice? Oh, and then dip them into some stout gravy.

My 1/200th Irisih heritage is doing an Irish jig.

“Conclude your indulgence with our Oven-Fried Guinness Onion Rings and Stout Gravy. A harmonious blend of crunch and savory richness, transforming a classic into a memorable and satisfying pub-inspired treat.”