pistachio ice cream with brown butter crumble

“Delight in a frozen masterpiece—Pistachio Ice Cream with Brown Butter Crumble. A symphony of nutty notes and sweet sensations that redefine the joy of dessert.”

Howdy, friends!

I am currently traveling across the country, over the woods (der over the sea) to a little island called, the Bahamas. Yep, Yep! I am spending a few days in tropical paradise, sans hubby (tear), to watch  my good friend from high school, Melanie, marry the love of her life.

Melanie was a bridesmaid  when your’s truly was married. Hard to believe that was six years ago. Melanie has always been a really good friend to me. Back in the way day, people thought we were twins. We would cruise around town in her white Camero while listening to Jay-Z. Clearly, we were hard core back in the day. We played basketball and softball together, and even have a freckle on the same eyelid. Soul sisters!

Anyways, imagine my excitement when she told me she was having a detestation wedding. With her fiancé’s family on the east coast, her family in the Midwest, and friends scattered every nautical direction, a destination seemed to be a natural fit. Even though I’m only there until Sunday, I am super excited to catch up with old friends, sip on cocktails with  little umbrellas, and marinate on the beach. Also, this is my first time visiting the Bahamas, so if any of you have recommendations on what to do and see, send some ideas my way!

Oh, and before I forget, I probably should talk about this brown butter crumble.

Why does my mouth instantly start to water when I hear the words brown and butter mentioned together? I swear it’s like the Pavlov effect. I immediately want to take a large straw and sip it out of saucepan-after it’s cooled, of course.

When you brown butter, something magical happens. It fills the kitchen with a warm, nutty aroma that makes you weak in the knees. Well, this brown butter crumble will surely make you buckle. We all know I am not much of a baker, but this topping comes together licky-it split. The best part is, you can keep it in the freezer for when you feel that brown butter twitch coming on.

The best way to enjoy this crumble is on top of ice cream- especially  pistachio! Make it two scoops for sure.

Now, I’m off to find a beach!

“Conclude your dessert journey with the exquisite Pistachio Ice Cream, crowned with Brown Butter Crumble. A sweet finale that leaves you savoring every spoonful.”