a combination of things
And were back.
Monday, here you are in all of your glory.
So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it.
I am soooo glad that I squeezed in my morning run. My legs felt heavy and tight, but I knew I would rather pound dirt then run after work.
sweaty honey badger.
Work flew by today. Little things were crossed off my to-do list, which felt fantastic. I am 99% done with moving all of our alternative investment stuff over, and I finalized our guest list for Thursday’s cooking event.
(insert, little jazz hands).
My outfit for work today was not my fav. Sigh. I think it screams stuffy Victorian horse rider. I may blame this poor decision on the fact that our closet light went out this morning. Yeah, let’s go with that. Also, the lace top under the sweater was not a brilliant move because even though the sweater was short sleeve, I was sweating my tookus off. Usually my office is freezing, but not today!
trot. trot. trot.
After work, I stopped by the mall to pick up a few things for this weekends upcoming shenanigans. Yep. I am heading to Wichita to help celebrate Miz Heather’s bachelorette party. It’s gonna be wild people! Possibly epic. But, definitely wild.
I arrived home and found a box sitting in front of our door. Hmmmm…what could this be? The sender’s name on the box was Home Security Centers. Oh yeah, totally have to open this guy.
Inside were security cards for our entire building!
You know what I got?
I got your freedom.
Our building manager is a complete doofus and had them sent to the wrong address. We are supposed to get the cards next weekend, but I may just hold them hostage. I mean really, who asks for security cards without a signature guarantee?
Dinner tonight was fresh and easy.
– Roasted potatoes with sharp cheddar cheese
– Chicken with a rosemary (from my herb pots!) garlic-shallot sauce
But first, a liquid. I am having a hard time keeping hydrated so Mr. B and I are trying to go booze free this week. (oh shoot, kickball is tomorrow. okay, we may cheat one day. don’t judge).
Per Miz Gibson’s idea I decided to do another mocktail only this time with cucumber and mint. It was delish Jamie!
While I sipped my mocktail and prepped dinner, I nibbled on some cherries. Love these guys. I will admit that I swallowed a pit while eating one. Um, these things freaking hurt. I could feel the little sucker roll down my pipe. It still hurts.
Alright, dinner is served.
Kale Chips. I mixed mayo and dijon mustard on the side for a quick dipping sauce.
Potatoes with cheese… a must if you ask me.
Chicken with a rosemary-garlic-shallot sauce.
This week is shaping up to go by pretty quick. What to do? Sigh.
Have a great nite!
Conclusion: Exploring a combination of things enriches our lives with diversity and depth. Embracing varied experiences and perspectives enhances our understanding of the world. Keep seeking out new combinations to continue growing and evolving.
I was shocked at how much flavor the cucumber gives the water! But… I've been adding booze to mine. No more mock.
Can I tell you that I love the outfit of the day in the bathroom pics? Fantastic!
Jamie – I know! You were so right:) If anyone would like the bathroom pics it would be you. Can't wait to see you this weekend!
Wait? Heather is getting married??! I did not know that. Now THAT will be an awesome bachlorette party. Please keep the Wichita PD on speed dial. : )
Hmm, yeah the outfit is a little Duchess Kate. : )
The meal, as always, looks fabulous. I saw Jamie's idea for a cocktail, too, and have been drinking those instead of booze. Extremely refreshing!
And hey, speaking of fresh cherries, as John about the cherry pie I made him.
Love ya, Moomers
Mom – You knew that Heather was getting married. I heard the pie was epic btw.