a weekend with the b.f.
How was your weekend?
I hope it was smashing.
I seriously can’t believe that today is Monday. Where does the time go? There is so much I need to tell you about our weekend that I figure lets get this recap started. Mmmkay?
As I mentioned last week, my best friend Allie flew into town for a weekend full of shenanigans. From the time she landed on Thursday night to Sunday afternoon, we managed to cram in three fantastic dinners, a wine tasting, shopping, bowling, K-State watch party, and an afternoon full of old movies.
Needless to say that I am exhausted, but every moment this weekend with the B.F was epic.
Where do I even begin? Friday was bananas. From the moment I woke up, until I went to bed, every single minute was booked. C-r-a-z-y, but fun.
Since Allie was staying with our good friend Eric (she had an extra bedroom), I decided to meet up with the girls in the afternoon for shopping because I needed to see the ear doctor and watch Chance for an hour.
Yep, my ear still hasn’t gotten any better. The doc didn’t find an infection or water in my ears. Praise Jesus. He did clean them out, which felt worlds better. They did a hearing test to make sure nothing was damaged, but my hearing was fine. Basically all he could tell me was to avoid rock concerts and watch my salt and booze intake. Other than that, there’s nothing else he can do. Rats. He did tell me to come back in two weeks if the static doesn’t stop because he would like to do further testing and an MRI. Oh, the joy.
Once I was done with the doctor and babysitting, I met the girls at the Cherry Creek mall for a little shopping adventure. I haven’t been shopping in forever. All of my money goes to athletic wear! Who am I? Geesh. Anyways, I did pick up some fierce grey boots that I can’t wait to show you. Uncle Nordies has the best boot collection on the planet!
After shopping, we had to make a mad dash back downtown for a wine tasting. About a month ago, our Denver village hit up a Groupon deal for wine and cupcakes. Well, we had to use up the Groupon before it expired so I invited Erica and Allie along.
D’Vine Wine was in this random little building right off the 16th Street Mall. For a second, I thought this place might be a little shady, but when we walked in the place was bumpin’. They even had a guy playing some light jazz on his guitar.
Thanks to a good nights sleep, I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed. Since kickoff was at 10:00am and we were hosting the watch party, I had a bazillion things to do before people arrived.
Good thing Allie was in town to help. I honestly don’t know what I would do without her!
I ended up making an egg casserole and pumpkin muffins, while Jerad made his famous biscuits and gravy. YUM.
I am so glad that we beat KU. I seriously can’t believe that we are 7-0!!!
Go Kitties!
After the watch party, Allie and I strolled down the 16th Street Mall for a little shopping. I found some super cute orange skinny jeans at Forever 21. They are sick let-me-tell-you.
The weather was gorgeous so I am glad that we got out and shopped. But we did run into a slight problem, zombies.
Apparently we missed the memo about the zombie crawl. There were some serious freaks trolling around downtown on Saturday. One lady was wearing a saloon skirt and no top. Thank goodness her nipples were covered! We did see a ton of Osama Bin Laden zombies, which I thought was hysterical.
Anyways, I had a blast and it was fun to celebrate a birthday without going to the clubs. Damn, I am getting old.
Needless to say, I stayed out waaaaaaay past my bedtime. I didn’t get home until almost 1am. I know, I am such a rebel.
We decided to meet up a Steubens around noon, which was perfect because I finally got to sleep in! Hip-hip-hooray!
I was surprised when we arrived at Steubens that the wait was only 15 minutes. Usually you have to marinate for at least 45 minutes because their brunch is freaking off the charts.
LOVE all of the pictures!! I just love you girls! Glad you had such a great weekend!
Thanks Sam! It really was a great weekend.
It was good to see Allie! If only in pictures. : ) I love the one of her holding her bowling shoe.
Bowling is WAY fun. Even though it is hard.
Glad you had a great weekend. I'll call ya later about your ear.
Love, Mom
Right? I have zero problem buying running gear but shoes that aren't running shoes? Oh mercy, unless they're for work, I struggle epically.
What a fantastic weekend
I don't even know what to comment on! So fun! Love my pretty friends!