It’s Tuesday.Yeah.

There’s not a whole lot going on right now especially after a three day weekend. Did anybody else have a rough day? I don’t know if it was me, but people at work were acting all sorts of crazy. I think spring needs to come, like now!

Anyways, to keep my mind away from all the mayhem I thought I would share something with you. I am one of those people that loves to peek into other peoples refrigerators. It’s weird, I know. But I can’t help myself.

Refrigerators, much like nightstands can tell a lot about a person. Are they healthy? Do they like to booze? Single or married? Germaphobe or slob? The list of questions can go on forever.

Hopefully today I will answer a few questions that I know have been burning inside your mind. So, are you ready to get to know me? Of course you are!

Let’s begin.

Meet my fridge. I swear, if my refrigerator could have an accent it would be Australian. I would love to open the doors every morning and be greeted with, “Good day mate.”  Wouldn’t you?

Okay, let’s open’er up and see whats inside. 
Lot’s of condiments, huh? For some reason Mr. B and I luv our condiments. From BBQ sauce, to jalapenos, to humus, to salsas we pretty much don’t leave anything out. 
Yes, we do keep our fridge stocked with alcoholic beverages. I think by graduating from K-State you are required in the alumni agreement to keep a stocked fridge. 
Moving on….of course there’s cheese and guacamole! BTW, thanks Katy for the recommendation on the Wholly Guacamole snack packs, life savor! 

Wait a minute. How did cookie dough get into the crisper? Mr. Bbbbbbb? I have been looking for that extra roll…no wonder I couldn’t find it! 
I love butter. Lot’s and lot’s of butter. 
Everyone has a meat drawer, right? I always keep pancetta, ground beef, or bacon handy because all of these fellers can go into any dish. 
Last but not least, cream, milk, o.j,  jelly, and sour cream. This is what life’s all about.  I would die if I didn’t have a glass of milk every morning or toast with jelly. Just die, I tell you. 
Okay, so what do you think? Am I crazy? Normal? Do I need to add or subtract items? Is there something you see that looks crazy? 
Do tell…