What I’m Loving Right Now…
1. Sixty degree sunny days in January. I wish spring was here.
I have a major minor obsession with this perfectly packaged tastes like fresh guacamole concoction. I wish I could bathe in it. Hmm. That may be awkward.
3. Esty
I may be wayyyyy behind on finding out about this fabulous shopping network. But. Better late then never I always say!
I have already scoped out a few of items that I am fairly certain will end up on my door step next week!
4. The Shuffle
We all remember the death of Mr. Pod. He lived such a wonderful like. Tear.
I was very unsure which MP3 player would replace Mr. Pod. There are a bazillion options to choose from and I felt completely overwhelmed. Mr. B suggested I go the Creative route but I knew deep down inside that I was an Apple girl for life. I <3 you Steve Jobs. So, one impulse purchase later at Target and I had myself a pretty little lime green Shuffle. Best decision I ever made. Ever.
5. Menage a Trois
Need I say more? How do you think I survive the week?
My brother John and his wife Sarah gave us this AMAZING gift for Christmas. Well, let’s just say that I have been using it a great deal more than Mr. B because, duh, I blog.
At first, I was completely frustrated and annoyed. Poor Mr. B had to walk me through how to format and layer pictures because lets face it, I am way too lazy to read the instructions.
But, I think I have figured it out. You may have seen some of my split shots on recent blog posts. I know they aren’t as attractive as P-Dub’s but you have to start somewhere:) Right. Right.
7. Stubb’s Spicy Barbecue Sauce
Think of this barbecue sauce as Nutellas brother. It goes on everything. From eggs to sweet potato fries to sandwiches. It’s a savory explosion!
What are you currently lovin?
Please tell me you are joking about 60-degree weather! Lucky.
I put BBQ sauce on everything. My obsession is Gates BBQ sauce… especially tasty on roasted veggies. And red wine in general is always an obsession.
Oh, and that platter is super cute. Does it come with the deer?
No joke. That is why you should move to Denver. Now.
Gates is sooooo good. I miss KC barbecue.
It should. I am a sucker for small figurines.
Lauren, I love Wholy Guacamole too! I buy the 100 calorie packs and take them tp work in my lunch to dip veggies in. But seriously, I could probably just eat that stuff with a spoon.
Also obsessed with almond butter…mmmmm…. (What can I say, I'm a fatty!)
Most excellent choices! A new Lime Shuffle! I need a new one too.
And Etsy is, to put it mildly – supercalifragilistically Epic! I often order cute little prints, etc. And frame them to sell at Thistle. I love the way someone 'curates' a collection every day.
Glad you are learning to master your Adobe Photoshop. best tool.
Right now I am loving the snow on the ground and watching the kids sled down St. theresa's hill.
I also love http://www.dreamerystudio.com, an Etsy dealer I am buying prints from.
I also love my brand new ( well, 2010) Mazda CX-7 that I bought a week ago. zoom-Zoom with black leather seats and Bluetooth, beaches!
Lauren, do you follow Steve Jobs on Twitter? I don't tweet or twat or whatever it is. That was a joke. Of course I know it's not twat. Ahem, anyway, one of my coworkers follows him and says he's hilarious. Last week he put something like “Caught my wife using Shuffles as chip clips again” and when he announced he was taking a leave for medical reasons he said, “So much for that apple a day thing”.
Katy – Oooooh. I will have to try the single packs. Genius.
Mom – you are hysterical.
TW – LOL! I am setting up a Twitter account pretty soon so I will definitely have to follow Mr. Jobs now. How can anyone not like this man? Thanks for the heads up!!!!
I need to try that BBQ sauce. I am in love with Gates and eat it on everything. Chipolte burrito bowls + Gates= heaven. I need to switch it up.
Also, there are always Wholly Guac coupons out there. I'm obsessed too…
Go here and print as many as you want!
Thanks Callie! I will definitely check out those coupons!