foodie fridays: peanut butter nutella pie with crispy bacon & crushed golden grahams
“Welcome to Foodie Fridays, where culinary dreams come true! Join us in savoring the extraordinary Peanut Butter Nutella Pie, crowned with crispy bacon and a touch of crushed Golden Grahams. A symphony of sweet and savory awaits, igniting your taste buds with pure delight.”
Hair maintenance was a little tricky for me growing up.
I was never the girl that who could wash her hair, leave the house, and not look like a wet dog. I was never the girl with a full up-do at Prom. And, I was never the girl whose hair required one set of hot rollers. Come to think of it, I’m not entirely sure how I survived my teen years not looking like the lead singer from Poison.
I remember getting up super early in high school and plugging in two sets of hot rollers. Bless my mother’s heart because in order to accomplish a complete head “curlage” before school started, it was a two person job. So, every Monday through Friday, there we would be in the bathroom. My mom would take one side of my head and I the other. Due to the lack of sleep and trying to work with hot objects at 6:30am, you can imagine the sounds my father and brothers heard coming out of that bathroom. I think that’s where the term “ear muffs” came from.
Thankfully, by the time I was a senior in high school the flat iron came out, which gave my mother and I our sanity back. I should probably should write the CHI people and tell them they saved a mother-daughter relationship. It seems like the right thing to do.
And speaking of the right thing to do, I need to tell y’all about this peanut butter nutella pie. You’re probably thinking, “Oh, Lauren, the nutella pie scene is so 2011.” I would respond with, true, but what if I told you the crust was made of nutter-butter cookies and there’s zero yeast things in this pie? Then would you consider it be more 2014? Yes? Sa-weet!
Plus, the piece de resistance is the topping! Bacon and crushed Golden Grahams should totally be a cereal. Maybe not an everyday cereal, but a cereal nonetheless. So, what do you say? Join me in the peanut butter nutella pie with bacon and crushed golden love fest? Hot rollers not required.
“Thank you for indulging in this Foodie Friday delight—our Peanut Butter Nutella Pie with crispy bacon and crushed Golden Grahams. A magical blend of flavors that transcends ordinary desserts. Stay tuned for more culinary adventures, where each Friday brings a new and delicious surprise!”
This is insane and I love it!! Wow oh wow! You killed this one!
Thanks, Tieghan! Great minds think alike:)
This sounds and looks wonderful!!
Thanks, Jenna! Have a great weekend!
I had to drop what I was doing to come see your gorgeous pie! I need this in my life
So yum!!
Thanks, Jenny! It’s definitely a new fav. Have a great weekend!
This right here is totally why we’re friends. I mean, sure there’s other reasons too – but this is totally like the culmination of all of those reasons.
Ha! Totally. You are the best, my dear! TWO WEEKS until I get to tackle hug you!
I still have bad hair. Pretty much every day. But a slice of this pie would help me to not even notice
Heather, I am always amazed at your sock bun! You rock it so well. Major jelly!
Wow…… wow! That’s all I can say. I want this YESTERDAY! Great post, this is so creative and looks absolutely amazing.
Thank you, Ali! It’s was definitely a huge ol’ hit in our house. Have a super fab weekend!
Nutter butters, nutella, and BACON…oh this pie is mine!
Yes it is! Have a great weekend!
Ohhhh this pie! Oooooohhhhhh this pie! That’s all I’ve got. It looks so good!
Ha! I’ll take it! Have a great weekend, Julia!
Wow, just wow. Nice touch with the bacon!
Why, thank you, Leah!
Don’t even get me started on childhood hair maintenance…for some reason my mom thought it was a good idea for me to have a perm. Yep, just as awesome as you’re imagining…me and my fro.
This pie….want it, need it, have to have it!!
NO WAY?!!!! You poor thing!!! Sigh, thankfully our teen years are long behind us and now we get to look forward to pie!
I want this for my birthday cake….pie. Birthday pie. It’s a thing.
It’s totally a thing! Have a great weekend, Jackie! And congrats on the book tour!
O-M-G! I love EVERYTHING about this! Delicious!
Well, thank you, my dear! Have a super fab weekend!
What an amazing combination of flavors! Love it!
Thanks, Jessica!! xoxo
Seriously? This pie is just insane! In the best possible way of course. I want it so bad.
Ha! Thanks, friend! I hope you have a smashing weekend!
Oy, I feel ya. I have curly hair and it took me almost all of my teen years to figure out what to do with it. I am SO grateful there wasn’t Facebook back then. At least I can just hide those pictures under the bed. I would be TOTALLY down with a golden graham and bacon cereal. YUM!
Dude, you are my prettiest friend. And my friend with the best hair. Now, bring me some pie… sans bacon of course.
I spent my teenage years throwing gel in my hair like it was my job. WHAAAATTTT. Crunchy curls were in then. I swear it.
Nutella could never go out of style in my heart. Loving this.
I don’t have curly hair, but my hair is wavy and if I just let it air dry, it just looks like a big frizzy mess! This is one of the only things I like about living in the desert, no humidity!
This pie would make any bad hair day better!
A little piece of heaven right.
This is gorgeous Lauren! Bacon bacon bacon. How I love thee. I’ve actually never eaten a golden graham. They sound wonderful though *stares wistfully at the screen*. I do love Nutella though. It’s like heaven in a jar. I can imagine how wonderful this pie must be!
Thank you! I am so glad you stopped by my blog! I hope you have a wonderful evening!
holy crap..nutter butter cookies. in high school, THOSE were my fav..bought a package every day at lunch.. I dont even want to talk about my hair issues. I STILL have them..unless I straighten it every day (which I don’t have time for, its like one poofy mess.)
Thanks for sharing the recipe! Gonna try this on my next weekend.