opposite sides
Happy hump day friends!
This week is zooming by. I feel like Christmas Day will be here in no time! Am I right?
Oh, and speaking of Christmas, I am having the hardest time deciding what to ask Santa this year. What are you asking for? Leg warmers? Boots? Trip to Capri? Something sparkly? More sleep?
Anyways, I thought about asking Santa for one of these guys:
– Cooking class. Cook Street, a culinary school down the street from us, teaches a class on how to make sauces. How bad ass would that be?!
– Ski wear. What do you think about these jackets? Fur, or no fur?
– Tripod. As much as I love standing on my kitchen table trying to get the right food shot, I need too upgrade. Plus, Mr. B and I can take this outdoors for some sick skiing shots!
– Light Room 3. I hear it’s the best photo editing out there! Only problem, I will more than likely have to hire someone to teach me how to operate the darn thing. Who has time to read a photo editing manual?
– Camera. I love Mr.B’s Japanese tourist camera, but I need something that’s between a dSLR and an iPhone. I thought about getting the Canon G11. Simple. Cute. Efficient.
– Running shoes. Enough said.
I think that’s a pretty good start. Oh yeah, can you recommend any good books to read? I have wayyyyyy to many fiance/business books and need to get some fiction going on in my life!
Moving on…
Todays work outfit was genius! {insert: toot of horn} My attire literally came together in 2.2 seconds. This never happens people. NEVER. I wanted to wear something warm and comfy, but chic. I put on my skinny jeans, zipped up my Fergie boots, and threw on my new blue sweater. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I noticed something was missing.
Don’t ask why, but in that moment, I immediately thought of the color wheel. They say in fashion to use colors on the opposite side of the wheel if you want to create a more dramatic look. Hmmm…what color is across from blue? Oh yeah, yellow (thank goodness I paid attention in the first grade)! I grabbed my neon-yellow scarf from the back of the closet, and voila! Super fun outfit.
I totally recommend reading the Hunger Games series. While techinically, I've only read the first one, I finished it in one and a half nights this week. It was a quick, good read!
I have read lots of good reviews for The Hunger Games as well.
I LOVE the scarf! Genius! I so love the mixing of colors and prints going on now.
SORRY Mr. B had to leave : (
And,what are some of the fiction books you have really enjoyed before? Mystery? More romantic? Modern type novel? Or maybe a good historical fiction? I am thinking you would enjoy a good historical fiction novel. They aren't all huge tomes, many are character-driven in a historical setting. I just finished a delightful one about a 12th century female doctor/forensic specialist who solves a murder mystery in England. Based in fact and was a great read.
Love, Moomers
Lauren – Thanks! I will definitely have check those out!
Mom – All the above! What is the name of the one you just finished?
Congrats on your complimentary color combo! Next try analogous… yea fashion class.
Glee was amazing. I could watch that last performance over and over again!
Right now I'm reading Beauty Queens by Libba Bray. Total YA crap, but I love love love it so far. Hunger Games is next!
Jamie – Oooohhh…what are anaologus? Love that you teach me new stuff!
I second the Hunger Games series, AMAZING!!! I like the coat with the fur and I've heard the G11 Canon is pretty slick.