spiced chicken drumsticks with brown sugar and jalapeños
“Elevate your dinner with our culinary creation—Spiced Chicken Drumsticks with Brown Sugar. A savory blend of spices and sweetness that transforms classic drumsticks into a flavorful feast.”
Howdy, y’all!
Greetings from Texas!
Wait. Shoot-um-agooty, I’m not in Texas anymore. I swear, I am all sorts of criss-crossed. I spent this past weekend in Austin at the BlogHer food conference. Let me tell you, it was a boot-scooting-finger-lickin-good time. I had such a blast meeting new peeps and reconnecting with old blogger buddies. Besides the weather (hello, summer heat!), it was everything and more. I plan to post a recap by this week, so stay tuned.
Okay, let me try this introduction again.
Howdy, y’all!
Greetings from Charleston, South Carolina! Yes, much better.
I’m still in the South so technically I have another week of annoying my family with my Kansan-Coloradian version of y’all. I arrived in Charleston late last night to spend the week with the Griers (a.k.a the Griswolds). Mr. B’s parents recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. In honor of their special milestone, they decided to take the whole Griswold clan to the beach. I’ve never been to Charleston, so if you have any recommendations on things we must do (besides marinating on the beach) and especially where to eat, send some suggestions my way.
Oh, and before I forget, I probably should talk about these spicy, sugary drumsticks. I am a sucker for a delicious drumstick. I am a HUGE sucker for a big ol’ turkey leg served at Renaissance Fairs. But that’s for another time and post. Drumsticks are a fun distraction from the standard boring chicken breast and are super inexpensive. If you were looking to host a summer barbecue with 20 of your closet friends, stick to the drumstick. Nothing says I love you like a juicy on the inside, crispy skin on the outside, drumstick.
You can bake or grill these bad boys. Just make sure to slather them well in the brown sugar/Dijon mustard/coriander mixture and DON’T skip on the minced jalapeno. Your taste buds will thank me later.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a beach to find!
“Conclude your meal with the delectable Spiced Chicken Drumsticks, featuring brown sugar. A savory symphony that leaves you savoring every bite.”
Okay these sound awesome! I love sweet and spicy together!
Have a fun week with you family!
Me too! Thanks, Tieghan!
Now see.. this is my kinda recipe.. I could go to town on these here wings..
Ha! Me too, Erika! The spicer, the better!
Seriously you need to go to Disney then and get one of those like dinosaur sized turkey legs. You’d be in heaven. Have a fantastic vaca!
Dude, that is on my bucket list! I seriously love turkey legs!
Ok – so, weird thing to obsess over, but where on earth did you find the newspaper tissue paper adorable combo you’re workin with in your photos!? I’m in love!
The newspaper sheets are from World Market! They are the best and don’t smear like real newspaper. You gotta get some!
Love the sweet & spicy going on with these drumsticks! Have a great vacay!
Thanks, Kelli! I’m thinking I may need to make these this week!
I won’t skip the minced jalepeno- promise!!
Yes! I like your style, Katrina!
Ooo, I love a spicy & sweet combo! We went to Charleston last Fall and loved dinner at Magnolia’s. High Cotton has some awesome cocktails and bar bites if you get sick of the heat and need a break in the AC! Have fun!
Ooooohhh…I will totally have to check that restaurant out! Thanks for the recommendation!
So jealous of your beach time! I hope you have a great week recovering fro the excesses of Austin
I am going to marinate on the beach while eating a piece of lettuce. Austin was a blast, but glad to be relaxing with the family.
What I would give to marinate on a beach right now, too. Ugh. Have a fabulous vacation, lady! I’ll be over here munching on a drumstick (or five) and pretending my balcony is the beach.
Ha! I heart you girl! We really missed you this weekend!
Welcome home, Lauren! It was SO nice to meet you at BlogHer and I’m glad you had a blast! Can’t wait to see your recap. These drumsticks look awesome, and your photos are stunning!
It was wonderful meeting you too! Austin was amazing. I can see why you live there!
I’ve got drumsticks in the freezer waiting for just the right recipe. I think this is it! These look and sound AMAZING!!!
My husband and I went to Charleston several years ago. We did lots of the touristy restaurants and had good experiences but on our last day we went to Early Bird Diner. The services was outstanding and the chicken and waffles were incredible. I’d highly recommend it!
Thanks for the recommendation! I will definitely have to check the Early Bird Diner out.
Oh my these look amazing!! My family would love! And I love the newspaper – isn’t World Market the best??
Right?!! I swear it’s the food blogger meca!
Daaaaang girl! Those look like some perfect drumsticks! Hope you had an awesome time at BlogHer and I’ll be seeing you there next year!!
Definitely! I a future tackle hug must take place!
This looks absolutely wonderful! I love what you’ve done here. I cannot wait to try this recipe!
I thought I had plans for the drumsticks in my freezer but it looks like that plan is getting scraped for this!! LOVE the spicy / sweet / crispiness in store!! Have a great time in Charleston!!
YAY – it’s the newspaper!!!
These look SO good! Love me some drumsticks, especially with sweet and spicy seasoning like this!
Thanks! I totally needed a easy Monday dinner recipe! (Aka: Mexican Mondays & Slacker Mom meal!) My gang lives drumsticks & I just happen to have a whole mess of them in the freezer! Now, to get my DS to run to the store for a few Japs! Wish me luck!
ahh, i saw this this morning at like 10am and man, i was CRAVING drumsticks!! i’m so jealous you’re still on vaca and in charleston..it’s so pretty there!!
What a fun couple of weeks (I love Charleston!). These spiced drumsticks look delicious! Loving the brown sugar and jalapeno combo!
Lauren… Lauren… Lauren… I’m SO totally, not-even-kidding, 100 % positively making these for dinner! I do looooove me some jalapenos!
I’d rub this all over my body.
Oh wait.
gosh these sound and look perfect to me…love the photos with the newspaper and beer!
Drumsticks are my favorite, so I love this recipe.. especially with the additional spice!
wiosła ze innowacjami. w droga trwań zauważalne z przodu wszelki rzeczone kozy
Hi Lauren
What do you do with the salt and pepper in this recipe.
Hi Jackie! Great question! I need to update the directions to say add a pinch of salt and pepper to the mix. Thanks for the heads up!
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