what i’m loving: spring twenty twelve
Spring is here.
No. For reals.
In case you missed the memo, yesterday was officially the first day of spring. Crazy, right? I have been patiently waiting for this day to come and now that it’s finally here, I want to shout from the mountaintop, I HEART SPRING! Phew. Glad I could get that off my chest.
The last time I did “What I’m Loving Now” was this past winter. Well, I have officially given Old Man Winter the boot and I’m ready to welcome spring with open arms. Anyways, here are couple of things that I’m loving right now for spring….
Neon Colors
-I was at Nordstroms last week picking up a gift for Callie’s birthday, when I stopped and noticed that the women’s clothing section was bursting with color. From yellow to purple to blue, it was a ROYGBV explosion. Obviously, I don’t have the personality to pull off two neon colors at once, but I would definitely wear a bright orange top with skinny jeans, and nude flats. Hello, spring!
Nicki Minaj for OPI
– I’ll admit it, I am a complete nerd for not knowing who the heck Nicki Minaj is. Could someone please explain? Anyways, I don’t know if you’ve seen her recently-launched line with OPI, but it is off the chain! Check out all of these fun nail polish colors. My personal favorite? Definitely the silver sparkles and mermaid turquoise. I need to make a pedicure appointment, stat.
Joy the Baker Cookbook
– Don’t you just love Joy? If she asked me to be her bestie I would probably faint. For those of you that don’t know about Joy’s blog, Joy the Baker, you should totally check it out because you’ll want to be best friends with her, too. Scout’s honor. Anyways, a couple of weeks ago she released her first cookbook. My copy is probably somewhere in Cleveland as I type this, and will hopefully be on my doorstep by this weekend. Joy the Baker Cookbook: 101 Simple and Comforting Recipes covers everything from how to make pancakes for one to quick tips on how to make homemade buttermilk. This cookbook has it all. Check it out! There’s plenty of room on the Joy Baker Bandwagon!
Side-Parting Ponytail
– It’s back. Wait. It never really left. You can probably gather from my work fashion shots in the bathroom that I wear my hair in a ponytail everyday. I know, it’s boring, but did you know that ponytails are all the rage for spring? Yep. From Jessica Alba to Lauren Conrad to Molly Simms, everyone is rockin’ the side-parting ponytail. Instead of the typical pulled back ponytail that makes you look like an alien, the side pony is a fun way to add sporty sophistication without a lot of work. Clearly this look is two thumbs up (and to the side)!
The Veggie Makeover
– One of my goals for 2012 is to eat more veggies. Yes, I realize that’s a rather boring goal, but not if you have some fun with it. Like making beet ice cream. Do wha…? Or by making a cucumber-berry smoothie. I think the best way to look at this makeover is by not listening to your mother – play with your food!
Alright, what are you currently loving?
This has been such an informative post! I'm so excited about the side-part pony. Fantastic news.
I'm loving the neon… in running clothes! Neon pink shorts with neon yellow shirt? Fantastic.
Jamie – Ha! I was actually debating whether or not to put that in the post. Neon running clothes are so fun! Glad you said something:)
Loving the side pony too..and I still love LC, as well
That WAS a fun post! I always loved the side pony-tail.
And I bought fuschia (pinkish-lavender?) jeans. Yay! I want to pair them with a soft blue tee or probably a navy one (like a neutral). Love the pairing of colors!
And thanks for the tip re: Joy the Baker. I am going to check her out!
What I love right now? Rustic and boho weddings. Beehive hair. (If only I could) And our bedroom closet was finally installed – complete with a light inside and closet organization system!
Love ya, Moomers
Nail polish was originated in China, dating back to 3000 BC. Around 600 BC during the Zhou Dynasty, the royal house had a preference for the colors gold and silver.”*;:
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