chicago marathon: week sixteen
The only word I can think of to describe last week.
I seriously don’t know how I survived. After my mid-week runs, I wanted to quit. I had too much to do and not enough time. But! Somehow, someway, I managed to get through and ended up having one my best long runs to date.
On with the recap!
Chicago Marathon Training Recap: Week Sixteen
Monday – Rest.
Tuesday – 4 miles. Did anyone else notice that it’s now freaking freezing and dark at 6:30am? It’s a good thing this marathon is happening in two weeks because I am so over this whole early morning running routine. I can’t wait to sleep in when the snow is falling outside and not feel stressed about getting up and running. Besides the cold and darkness being a problem on this run, I couldn’t get comfortable. I felt sluggish, sore, and anxious. We started moving into our new place, which is a tri-level home (i.e. lot’s of stairs)! No wonder I felt fatigued. Note self: never train for a marathon while you move your place of residence #toomanystairs #feethurt.
Wednesday – 4 miles in the morning. I felt like BAWLS during this run. In a way, I shouldn’t be surprised. Mr. B and I have been working our butts’ off this week. My legs, feet, and sanity are being pushed to the limit. I’m pretty sure I looked like a zombie while I was running. I wonder if that’s why people were mean mugging me? 6 miles in the afternoon. After that disgraceful morning run, I figured my afternoon run would be better. The first 3 miles were brutal. My side started to cramp and my foot was feeling tender. Thankfully somewhere around the 4 mile mark my body started to perk up. I finally found a good pace and felt comfortable. I even ran a minute faster than my normal pace! Luck? Probably. But given this week’s craziness, I’ll take whatever the running God’s are handing out.
Thursday – Rest.
Friday – Rest.
Saturday – 20 miles. What a crazy day! Not only was it moving day, my fifth year wedding anniversary, but I also had to run 20 miles. Insane? Heck yes! The only, and I mean only, reason I survived this run is because of Listy. She was my angel on Saturday. She volunteered to bike next to me for twenty miles (I’ll let Listy explain why she biked and didn’t run). I don’t know too many people that would wake up on their Saturday morning to bike for three-plus hours and smile the entire time! Needless to say, she rocks! My run ended up being fantastic. I felt strong the entire time. Well, expect miles 13 thru 15 where I wanted to stab myself in the jaw, but that’s not the point. Like my 18 miler, I managed my pace correctly, stopped when I needed stop, and had a good amount energy at the end. After this run, I am getting stoked for Chicago!
Sunday – Cross Train. Does climbing three flights of stairs while carry large boxes count as cross training? It does? Sa-weet! Who wants to come over and cross train with me?
Total miles: 34
I stopped running in the mornings. It’s just too dark and cold…and I have no motivation for it anymore. It’s hot in the evenings, but at least it’s not as hot as it has been. But….I’m not trying to run 10 miles in a day. That’s straight up crazy town!
You’re doing awesome! Just a couple more weeks to go!!
You will always remember this time in your life with joy and amazement. As hard as it was. Pat your self on the back, and give Bret a hug for me. You guys rock.
And PLEASE tell Listy how wonderful she is from me. SO kind and devoted of her to ride next to you. Again, you will always treasure this time. Makes me tear up thinking of it. (‘Course I didn’t have to go through it, either)
Love, Moomers
What a totally insane week that was! Pushing through the fatigue demands mental toughness – often hard to muster during a major life transitions. Moving is a bitch, much less adding a 20 mile run on the same day. Whew. I am proud of your dogged determination. Look out Chicago, Miss Lauren is about to rock your town