Well, hellooooo December!

Fancy meetin’ you here.
I must say, you made quite the entrance today.

Nothing like a winter snow storm to officially kick off the holiday season.
Even though I am extremely happy you’ve arrived, I will say that I am rather deflated the fall like weather has disappeared. You know how much I love to run outside, and the thought of running on the “dreadmill” makes me want to pull my hair out. Do you think you could only snow on the weekends (mainly in the mountains) and keep Denver warm and sunny? Sound good? Great!

Breakfast this morning was inspired by the holiday and snow.

A green bowl, red napkin, and little snowballs….

Have you ever tried millet? If you’ve never tried it before, check out this recipe I did for Foodie Fridays a while back. I explain all the fun nutritional facts about millet, and provide a delicious muffin recipe! 
(pardon the plug…)
Anyways, I was shopping at Whole Foods the other day when I stumbled upon puffed millet. Do wha? I couldn’t believe my eyes. Apparently they have taken this ancient grain and turned into a cereal! JAZZ HANDS!  Since Mr. B and I have been mixing up our breakfast routine from the typical egg sandwich to more oat based, I have gone bananas in the bulk, granola, and cereal aisles looking for fun toppings.

I wasn’t quite sure what the puffed millet would taste like, but I am HUGE daredevil, and had to give a try.
I am not kidding when I say it tasted like popcorn, but without the salt. If that makes any sense? Mr. B and I both agreed that as a topping it added great texture to the oats. I think we may have found a new favorite topping!

Thankfully the drive into work today wasn’t horrendous. I am lucky that work is only 15 minutes away and I can get there via a major thoroughfare. I heard traffic on the highway was bananas for the morning commute!

Since it was freaking freezing today, I thought I would bust out the leg warmers. Oh yes, leg warmers. I’ve seen leg warmers worn with boots everywhere from Pinterest to the mall to fashion blogs, but I wasn’t quite sure if I could pull off the look. 

I picked up these black leg warmers by Jessica Simpson at Dillards last Saturday and have been dying to wear them.

What do you think?

I like the warmers with the boots, but maybe not this outfit. I dunno know?

{If you must know, I didn’t wear them while I was at work. Pretty sure the co-workers would have given me some fugly looks:D}

Grey top: Gap
Scarf: Gap
Jeggings: Uncle Nordies
Silver Jewelry: Dillards
Leg warmers: Dillards
Grey boots: Uncle Nordies 
After work, I headed home to meet Mr. B. I signed us up to attend boot camp with Jennifer on Thursday evenings. Mr. B was very impressed with my results and wanted to give the classes a try. The reason we are only going once a week is because with the holidays our schedules get sooooo crazy that it would be a nightmare to try and constantly reschedule with Jennifer. 
I think Mr. B had a good time. Hold on let me ask him….”Babe, how was tonight?”Mr. B, “Ouch.” 
Once we arrived, we got to work on dinner. Tonight, turkey chili. I used the same format as Mr.B’s chili recipe only I substituted it with turkey for a healthier version. It.was.delish. {Fun fact: Mr. B’s chili won 1st prize today at Listy’s work chili cook off!}
Not quite sure what the rest of the evening will entail. I am staring at a Christmas tree that needs to be decorated, but I am snuggled underneath this warm, soft blanket. Ahhh….decisions.
Have a cozy night!