dark chocolate monster stacks with orange marshmallow frosting
“Indulge in sweet decadence with our Dark Chocolate Monster Stacks, generously topped with vibrant Orange Marshmallow Frosting. This delightful fusion promises a symphony of flavors that transforms your dessert experience into a sensational delight.”
“I was working in the lab late one night, when my eyes beheld an eerie sight. . . “
He did the mash. He did the Monster Mash.
I can’t count on my fingers how many times my brothers and I shimmied, and shook, our tookus’ to this song in our living room growing up. Besides Paula Abdul and Michael Jackson, on our regular cassette rotation, we danced and giggled to the Monster Mash until we couldn’t mash no more.
Growing up, Halloween was a BIG deal in our house. My mother, who is a Halloween addict, would ghoul all out (<—- get it?) in celebrating this holiday. I’m talking covering our front porch with an obscene amount of cobwebs, jack-o-lanterns, orange hanging lights, and the piece de resistance, Ferdinand the dummy. Ferdinand was key to the Halloween magic. He’s named after my great-great grandfather, who is probably looking down on us and thinking, “I did not sign up for this!” Sorry, Ferdster.
Ferdinand was a dummy stuffed with newspaper that we assembled every year. Now that I think about it, that sentence sounds a little morbid. Eh, it’s Halloween and not a scene from Psycho. Ferdinand’s face was a mask that looked like a bank robber who smoked four cigars a day. Still, even with his unfortunate looks, and uneven newspaper-stuffed body parts, he was our center of Halloween celebration.
Come to think of it, I’m pretty sure my brothers and I attempted to get Ferdinand to do the monster mash with us. But every time we attempted to try, his rigomortis would act up. Maybe instead of dancing, I should have made him these monster stacks with orange marshmallow frosting. I mean you would have to be a DUMMY not to like dark chocolate, peanut butter oat bars with sugary, fluffy topping right? Thought so.
Cue the mash!
“He did the mash, he did the monster mash….”
“Conclude your sweet escapade with Dark Chocolate Monster Stacks and Orange Marshmallow Frosting. It’s a flavorful blend that leaves your taste buds delighted, ensuring a memorable and satisfying dessert experience.”
You had me at orange marshmallow frosting.. I’ll just eat an entire bowl of that.
Fo’ sure! Marshmallow, sugary fluff….is there anything better?
Your mom sounds awesome! I love Halloween (and the monster mash!), but we never went all out growing up. Just a pumpkin here or there and always tricker treating!
Love the stack and the marshmallow frosting! So fun!
You need to come down to Denver and hang for Halloween!! I’ll make you some stacks:)
I feel kind of like i missed out on some sort of childhood rite of passage by NOT having this song infiltrating my Halloween memories. Hmm.
Making up for lost time with monster stacks? Totally think that’s reasonable.
Well, like they always say, better late then never! Let’s mash it out sista!
I bet you guys also gave out the “good candy” on Halloween, too!
Umm, peanut butter, chocolate AND marshmallow frosting….heck yes, these are amazing!
Ha! You know it! Super size candy all the way, yo!
I feel like it can’t be Halloween unless you hear the monster mash!! Such a classic Halloween song!!
And these monster stacks… Upcoming classic Halloween treat!! Marshmallow icing… just hand over a bowl and spoon!!
Thanks, Emily! It’s definitely that time of year to get your mash on!
Oh my gosh, now that song is gonna be stuck in my head all day…just like these little stackers! YUM!
Ha! Me too, Steph! That darn song is so catchy!
I’ll do the monster mash with you as long as I can get some of these cookies! Now I’m going to have that song stuck in my head all day long.
DEAL!! Halloween is for sharing sweets, yo!
We love Halloween in our house too! And I’m pretty sure I want to be like your mom when it comes to decorating…off to find some newspaper! I think I’ll make these cookies first though
Yay! Des, I’m telling it was the best idea ever for kids. Definitely make the stacks too:)
This is going to sound crazy, but as a kid I never really liked Halloween all that much. I know! I’ve come to love it in the past few years though, it’s just so darn fun! These cookies are awesome, love the way you incorporated the Halloween colors
Thanks, Tracey! Come to Denver and we’ll celebrate Halloween in style:)
That song always gave me the heebie jeebies – I mean, Monsters. duh. Halloween was the worst birthday ever because I am a scardey cat. I mean, it’s awesome. But I’m a woose. Gimme some mallow fluff and I’ll get over it.
Ha! You are too funny, friend! And can I just say that I loved seeing your face this week!!! You rock!!!
Your mom is my kind of woman! We are totally obsessed with Halloween in our house too. These treats look so yummy! I love the marshmallow frosting!
I love the monster mash…one of the best halloween songs ever!
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