feelin’ the drag
I was not feeling a 100% when I woke up this morning.
The victory party at Benny’s last night left me with a weeeee bit of a hangover. Thus, I didn’t run this morning which made me even more irritable. Grrrr.
I perked up a little after a gallon cup coffee.
Work today was busy. I am trying to finish transferring our alternative investments back over to another custodian, which has been an effing nightmare! The Dodd-Frank Act has really put pressure on every aspect of the financial world. To be honest, it’s some scary stuff people.
Anyways, I won’t bore you with financial shenanigans.
I did come to two realizations while I was at work today:
1.) I need to update my office wardrobe. My Express pants are starting to look a little ragged.
2.) I think my boobs look funny in an oxford. I blame my short torso.
After work I decided to get a quick jog in at Wash Park before I headed home. The temp outside wasn’t dreadful and the park has ton of shade so I wasn’t to worried about overheating. I just needed to expel some toxins.
I only ran 3 miles but it felt great. I could feel my little hangover seeping out my pores and once I was finished, I felt like a brand new person.
Hi! I look like a red tamale.
Once home, I did some chores. I swear I have been doing an obscene amount of laundry lately, and it’s all workout clothes. Hmmm…hot much?
Besides looking forward to cooling off in our air conditioned apartment, I was really excited about dinner tonight.
I was watching an episode of Giada at Home (oh yeah, I tivo her show…full time stalker here) yesterday when I saw her make pasta with an arugula pesto. It looked like heaven so I had to try and recreate.
The recipe was simple and the best part, I got to use the basil we have been growing!
To make the pesto: blend arugula, basil, avocado, lemon, garlic, salt, and pepper in a food processor until smooth.
I also baked asparagus and then sauteed garlic shrimp to kick things up a notch.
Once the whole wheat linguine noodles are al dente, toss it with the arugula pesto and asparagus. Serve with shrimp on top.
Ta-da! Linguine with Shrimp and Arugula Pesto
I also had a mocktail alongside which is really just carbonated water and fresh mint leaves. It was a nice change from liquor since tomorrow night I will be diving into the bubbly.
Off to catch up on some reading.
Hope you had a great hump day!
I make the same mocktail! I like to add either cucumer or lime slices… so fantastic!
And I think your boobs look great.
I think my boobs look weird in oxfords too! AND– same problem, short torso!!
I am battleing hangover today– Matt took me to Capital Grille last night– too much wine!
p.s. I heart Giada and am going to make that pasta!
eliz (Mrs. MHH)