new faces
“Welcome to a world of new faces, where each encounter brings the promise of fresh perspectives and exciting connections. Join us on a journey of discovery as we embrace the diversity and vitality of new beginnings.”
We met someone last night:
– Said person has been mentioned on CGM before.
– Said person likes to listen to unce unce music while doing, well, you know. wink. wink.
– Said persons dryer alarm sounds like an air horn.
Aaaaaand said person almost ran me over in the garage with her sliver BMW.
Well, that very same someone was our next door neighbor.
Mr. B and I finally came face to face with the person who lives behind our bedroom wall.
(We’ll just call her Miss K). Miss K is probably my age, height, but with brown hair. She rents the apartment next door and has a boyfriend.
Miss K also has a wee bit of a lisp. Interesting. I have never met a person with a lisp. I didn’t quite know how to respond so Mr. B and I did most of the talking. We informed her that we have lived here for over four years now and were renters as well. We also filled her in on building gossip like our bat shit crazy neighbors on the other side. I think they may need a full time priest.
We also discussed parking, mail, trash, the usual tenant topics. I think she was delighted to hear that there were ‘normal’ people in the building. She suggested that maybe everyone on the second floor should meet so if you had an emergency you could get a hold of someone.
She also gave us some of her herbs; thyme and sage. A very sweet gesture.
The whole conversation lasted about five minutes so we didn’t have time to convey our concerns regarding her taste in music or her driving abilities.
But, we did manage to put a face to a name and learn that our next door neighbor is quite nice.
In other news…..
Mr. B leaves tomorrow. The station that he is working at in Hobbs, New Mexico didn’t need him until Tuesday because certain parts didn’t arrive on time. He got the call as we were both headed out the door this morning and was a little p’d at the last minute change in plans.
All I know, one extra day with the hubby and I am a happy girl. The only bad news, he may not make it home until Sunday or Monday next week:(
Since I wasn’t planning on feeding both of us for dinner tonight, I had to play what cha got?
Tonight’s dinner, chicken stir fry! (?)
Once again, I failed at cooking Asian food. I don’t know if I cook the vegetables wrong. If the twelve thousand different sauces I throw in don’t combine in a festive manner. Or the fact that I am not Asian, but I seriously need to improve my skills in Eastern cuisine. I mean really, instead of rice I had to use orzo. What? The Chinese would be so proud. Do you have any tips on how to cook stir-fry? I need help.
After dinner, Mr. B and I took a stroll around the block. The cup of soy sauce I used on dinner left me a tid-bit bloated.
Tomorrow is kickball, praise the lord.
What are you looking forward to this week?
I can not believe you finally met Miss K! OMG! You need to become friends with her so we can find out what all that screaming is about
See ya tomorrow. Go Muffins!
Wow, how interesting, and perhaps fateful? that you finally met your unce unce neighbor. She seems quite nice to give you herbs. Nowadays, people just do not socialize by proximity, which I think is both bad and good. Good because you can hang out with whomever you want, bad because sometimes the person next door to you with whom you share some basic commonalities of life, might just be a hell of a person.
I am sad for you that Mr. B. is going away again. He works so hard. And I don't think your Chinese food looks bad at all. Mine never turned out right, either. Always the limp, greasy vegetables.
Love you, Moomers
Listy – I agree!
Mom – Why do our vegetables do that? Err….so frustrating!