Life changes.

Sometimes gradually.

But more often, in a blink of an eye.

Our routines adjust.

But our values always remain grounded.

You wake up one morning and decide that a cup of coffee accompanied by a morning prayer is far more applicable to life than an Easter basket full of candy.

You embrace a new congregation with close friends even though your comfort lies within a pew.

You realize that ones shoes can tell of where they have been, but more of where they might go. 

You appreciate your best friend taking the time to feed a village a savory ham when the only other recipe you know is that of your mothers.

You make Easter baskets for young kids secretly hoping one day that it will be given to your own child.

You giggle with your friends over a large feast while you witness the glow from life’s simple pleasures, blowing bubbles.

Life changes.

But it will always be celebrated.

Happy Easter.