chicago marathon: week two
Week two of a marathon training, complete.
How I even survived is beyond me. My exhaustion hit an all time high after my run on Tuesday. I’m not even kidding when I say, I could have taken several 100 hour naps the rest of the week. Okay, that is probably a stretch because than I would be very sick, but still! I spent the rest of the week telling myself to just get through it. I’m thinking I need to check my iron levels or something. Or, I might have to train myself to become a sleep “runner.” Thoughts?
Alright, on with the recap!
Chicago Marathon Training Recap: Week Two
Monday: Rest.
Tuesday: 3 miles – Finally, a fantastic morning run! Whoo-hoo! I woke up about 10 minutes before my alarm went off and was jazz hands excited to hit the pavement. The temperature outside was darn near perfect, 56 degrees. I took my time warming up the first mile and a half per my note to myself last week. Good thing I listened because I turned into Miss Speedster on the back. Wait. Isn’t this progression of speed called something? Oh yeah, tempo runs. Probably need to include those in my training. Ooops!
Wednesday: 3 miles – Es no bueno. I woke up with the sorest tookus on the planet thanks to kickball. Clearly I am getting old and can’t “sprint” like I used to. This run was painful. I was tempted to stop and just walk, but somehow I ended up in a 5k jog with a bunch of Native Americans along my usual running path. Totes true. I think they were having a charity run because everyone was wearing running bibs and I overheard a lady talking about donating money. Either way, I knew if they were running, I should be too. They even left me a message when I was done.
Thursday: 3 miles – Worst.Run.Ever. Even though I went to bed early, I was exhausted. I could hardly keep my eyes open while I was running. Plus, my legs were STILL sore from kickball. I’m not exactly sure how I finished, but I did.
Friday: Rest.
Saturday: 7 miles– I was a little bipolar on this run. I hardly slept a week the night before and was a major grumpy pants when I arrived at Wash Park at 6:30am. If I had to run seven miles by myself I probably would have gone postal. Thankfully Listy showed up in nick of time and before I had a chance to continue my grumpiness, off we went! After about a mile, grumpy Lauren left and nice Lauren appeared. Oh, the miracle of endoprhins. Listy and I ran three laps around the park and talked about everything under the sun. This time for some reason we weren’t out of breath. Hmmm…maybe we are getting into shape?
Sunday: Cross Train – Hike at Red Rocks! I forget how a simple hike in nature can help you sort through the crazy things in life. Definitely going to keep this trail in the ‘ol cross training bag.
Total Miles: 16 miles
Catching up:
Wow! 16 miles is pretty darn good! Be careful going up on your mileage so you don't get injured. I imagine you've got your plan figured out on mileage though. : )
Great job hanging in there when the running was tough.
Love, Mom
Mom – Will do! So far, so good! Are uou going to run with me next week when I am in KC?
I want to run with you next week!!!
Being tired and fatigued sucks. If your nutrition and sleep schedule are good, you may just be tired. Marathon training will do that to a gal!
Week 3 will be better!!!
Jamie – It's a date! I'll email you:) Thank you for the encouraging words! I had a better run today. I think it really comes down to retraining your body to work hard all week. Oh the perks of marathon training!
1. I am adopting “jazz hands excited” into my everyday vocabulary. It is a spectacular indicator of All The Things.
2. Extremely confused by the Native American run (especially since they were racing mid-week?), but it is so sweet that they left you a chalk message!
Kat – Ahhhhhh….yeah! Jazz hands is the only way to go. It's an 11/10 for sure! I was extremely confused about the whole Native American race thing too. Mid-week and a 6am run? Totes weird. I even tried to look it up online and couldn't find anything. Oh well. At least they were nice! How are you feeling btw?