What I’m Packing In My Hospital Bag
What I’m Packing In My Hospital Bag: a complete list of all the essential items I plan to bring with me to the hospital to make the baby, dad, and my stay comfortable!

All aboard!
Or at least that’s how I feel trying to pack for this whole labor situation.
Feels like I’m packing for the unknown and have 26 seconds to grab all the things. The worst part is I can’t go back and re-pack. Once I’m on the labor train that’s it. So for me, I wanted to make sure to grab the essential stuff. No bullsh$t, straightforward items that will be useful and not take up a ton of space.
With that said, I went back and forth on whether to go with a weekender bag or my carry-on suitcase. I decided to go with my carry-on because: 1) I know how to pack that trucker efficiently. 2) Mr.B knows how to find stuff in said suitcase as well as maneuver it with all of our past travel history.
Keeping that in mind, here is a list of stuff that I feel will help Mr.B , Baby G, and me have a comfortable experience at the hospital! Also, if you’ve given birth I would love to know your tips and tricks for staying at the hospital too!
For The Mama:
Labor gown: I have a bit of tactile sensitivity so I knew the standard hospital labor gown was not going to cut it. I found this one and love it. The gown does all the necessary things, but doesn’t feel like sandpaper.
Robe: I debated on whether I would need a robe, but I found this one at Target and it was reasonably priced and the perfect weight.
Flip-flops: Old Navy flip-flops are the best. Easy for walking around the hospital room + showering. Oh, and I wouldn’t feel bad about tossing or donating after use.
Socks: I actually packed my Pure Barre socks. Super comfy, warm and has grippers on the bottom.
PJ’s: These pajamas from Nordstroms are luxurious!! Plus, nursing friendly and are going to feel amazing post birth.
Nursing tank: I researched and tried on a lot of tanks, and Gap Maternity nursing tanks is what I ended up liking the best.
Nursing bra: Again I researched a lot of bras and these Kindred Bravely nursing bras are the tits!
Underwear: I have a new found appreciation for comfortable underwear. These bad boys are big, but damn, they cover the bum and are super soft! Plus, they come in a 4-pack and a few different colors.
Joggers: Planning on wearing these Gap Maternity joggers on the way home.
Nursing Sweater: so freaking soft! Also, a good option if need some more layering!
Allbirds: My go-to anytime shoe!
Hoodie: I’m a hoodie girl at heart and this one from Old Navy is super soft and if it’s hot I can take it off and just wear my tank.
Birthing Wrap: Our birthing class instructor gave us a few moves that involved a birthing wrap to help move the baby or take pressure off certain areas like my back. TBD if we use it, but glad to know it’s an option.
Hand Held Massager: anything to help me relax and take my mind off the pain.
Essential Oil Sprays: lavender and peppermint are my go-to choices of spritz!
Boppy Breastfeeding Pillow: My sister-in-law said this was a must if you are breastfeeding!
Blanket: I’m a snob when it comes to comfy blankets. I stuck a small one in to make me feel more comfortable.
The Basics:
iPhone 10ft. cord: because I’m going to Insta Stories the entire birth. KIDDING.
Chapstick: gimme all burt’s bees!
Water bottle: gotta hydrate!
Worksheet of laboring positions from birthing class: just in case we get bored (wink, wink)
Nipple Cream: is it weird that I’ve tested it out already?
Nipple pads: because leaky hooters are no bueno.
Hanging toiletry bag: I thought this was brilliant because I used to have three or four small bags for my stuff. Well, if I need something from my toiletry bag Mr. B can simply just hand me the bag. Plus, if I’m using the shower or restroom it will be handy to have it within arms reach.
Bath Towel: the one they offer at the hospital looks like a wash cloth for elves. definitely bringing a back up for the shower and birthing tub.
The Baby:
Swaddle Blankets: options are endless but Aden and Anais are the best!
Baby Boy Outfit: newborn white onsie + hat + socks + footed pjs
Baby Girl Outfit: newborn white onsie + bow + socks + footed pjs
Newborn Booties (option to have): makes me think of a newborn slipper and will hopefully keep Baby G warm.
Newborn Moccasins (option to have): um dying over how cute these ones are from the GAP!
Pacifier: brought a few options just in case.
Baby Book: seriously obsessed with this minimalist book. love the weight, font, and it doesn’t look cheesy AF.
UPPAbaby MESA Infant Car Seat: I’ve been very impressed with whole UPPAbaby stroller and car seat situation. Durable, easy to use and meets all the safety standards.
Newborn diapers: brought a few in my diaper bag because someone said the ones the hospital supply don’t exactly fit.
Diaper Bag: has all the things!
For the Dad:
J Crew Hoodie: Mr. B doesn’t leave home without this bad boy.
T-shirts: a collection of comfy shirts that may or may not include Juniper on the front.
Sweatpants or Joggers: probably will bring both.
Flip-flops: we will flippy-flopping around the hospital together!
Playlist: crucial. leaving him in charge of this!
Wireless Speaker: a must.
Contact List: organized everyone into a text group chain so we don’t have scramble with who got the news first or last.
Snacks: since we are both La Croix addicts, I am having him stuff a few in his suitcase because fizzy always tastes fabulous! Also, gum, protein bars, and a charcuterie spread (wink, wink).
File Folder: containing all the pre-registration paperwork, pediatrician information, labor position worksheet and insurance information.
I think that’s it! Let me know if I forgot anything. Only a week or so to go!
I’ve been loving all your baby posts, especially now that she’s here!! I was curious, did you use everything you took with you to the hospital? Or were there things you wish you had taken? I’m prepping my bag and was just curious! Thanks for sharing!
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